Surrogate mothers should be a citizen, legal resident or legal immigrant of the US. Legal residents should provide valid documentation of at least 2 years.

Surrogate mothers should be between 21 and 41 years of age.

Surrogate mothers should have a body mass index that is at most 32.

Surrogate mothers should have delivered a child of their own and is parenting at least one child.

Surrogate mothers may undergo psychological evaluations or counselling to assess their emotional readiness for the surrogacy process.

Surrogate mothers has a perfect medical record with zero complications during pregnancies and deliveries.

Surrogate mothers should have a perfect medical record associated with emotional wellness.

Surrogate mothers should have a clear record of illegal drugs or criminal activity.

Surrogate mothers should not be a participant in government aid programs of cash assistance, welfare, public housing and Section 8.

Surrogate mother should have stable financial situations to ensure they can meet their own needs without relying on compensation.