3 holiday tips for pregnant surrogates

Pregnancy is stressful under any circumstances, but during the hectic holiday season, it can feel unbearable. This feeling of obligation grows stronger when one is considering becoming a surrogate. You’re caring for the developing child of the intended parents, and, most likely, you have your own family to tend to over the holidays. That is to say, things can get tense rather rapidly. That’s why we are here to help! Here are 3 tips for surrogates during the holidays.

  1. Relax and take advantage of some of your spare time.

It would be a gross understatement to say that the holidays are a busy time of year because they are. It’s possible that you usually go all out and decorate your home with many different ornaments. Perhaps you decide to throw a huge party and invite all of your close friends and family members. Whatever the circumstances, this year might be the one to take a step back from everything. Because you do not want the baby to experience stress or an excessive amount of busy activities, you will need to remember to take it easy on yourself as well.

Instead, make the most of your spare time. For instance, here are some possibilities that you might want to think about:

  • Get together with some close friends and family over a simple home-cooked meal.
  • Spend time alone or with loved ones watching holiday films and relaxing during your staycation.
  • Plan a trip for when your surrogacy experience is complete so that you can share the joy with others.

  2. Second, make time for your loved ones.

A surrogate expecting a child may feel as though they never get any alone time because of their commitment to the intended parents. What you’re doing is incredibly noble and selfless on behalf of a stranger’s loved ones. That is beautiful in every possible way. On the other hand, it is not hard to imagine a scenario in which you find yourself spending more time with this family than with your own. This time of year, you should direct your attention toward your own family so that you can take advantage of the incredible opportunity that the holidays present to spend quality time with loved ones.

  1. Exercise Self-Care

Self-care practices during the holiday season are one way to make sure you’re taking a break for yourself (and the baby) when you need it. That being said, consider the following advice for maintaining your health:

  • Rest up and revive yourself. Your health and the baby’s health depend on your ability to get enough rest. If you’re feeling drowsy or exhausted, get some shut-eye. Don’t force yourself to get up too early; instead, pay attention to how much sleep your body requires.
  • Hydrate thoroughly. One of the most crucial aspects of health is maintaining a healthy water intake.
  • Be more open to reaching out to loved ones for support. Those carrying a heavy load should not feel bad about reaching out for assistance. Having a child through surrogacy is challenging, so it is understandable if you’d like some assistance with other aspects of your life.

We hope these tips prove to be helpful.